Taking the Metaphorical Red Pill:  5 Realities for Waking Up

Using the terms like "waking up from the matrix" and "taking the red pill" has become popular over the recent decades since the first film of the famous Keanu Reeves trilogy was released back in 1999.  But does it have any real significance to life on Earth?  Are people just obsessed with pop culture?  Is there symbolism in this trilogy that may awaken dormant ideas?

My first experience of being a conscious person was in 2017.  Like I mentioned in another post, it all started with a sea turtle and straw for me.  It seems strange to me now that I was living life in asleep for all those years prior to deciding to change how I was affecting the environment around me.  I think back sometimes and can honestly say that I was completely unaware that I was asleep.  Of course, being asleep doesn't mean we are physically asleep the way we are each night when we go to bed.  Being asleep is a term to describe:

  • Being unconscious to the reality of the world and how it operates.

  • Refusing to acknowledge the true nature of being alive on Earth.

  • The lack of awareness of decisions that are made ever day, and more importantly, how those decisions were decided.

  • Buying into to all of the schemes of life that seem so normal to most.

What is the benefit of "waking up" if you are just going to see how bad the world has really become?  Should I just stay asleep?  If you cannot see a world in which we live without bounds--not to say or infer a world without universal laws--than you should probably remain asleep for a while longer.  I would also advise to not continue reading this specific post.  For those that have a feeling that the world is not quite what you were told when you were growing up--follow me down the rabbit hole.

I will go over to the best of my abilities what all of this means to me.  This is a topic that I plan to write about many times because it is so important for raising your awareness and becoming a contributing conscious creator on Earth.

Each day is a new opportunity for expanding our consciousness.  You can have a day where you think back to 5 years ago, 1 year ago, 1 month ago, or even yesterday and see how far you have evolved in your conscious thoughts.  As I write this article now, my truth is that I have never been more conscious in my life than I am today.  I also have had this thought many times when journaling my experiences and documenting my awareness.  I will have this thought again tomorrow and the next day.  Like our universe, our consciousness is continuously expanding.  The more conscious each person on Earth becomes, the higher the vibration of the Earth will become for people to live a life aligned with their highest good.

The concepts of "source consciousness" and "collective consciousness" are often discussed in spiritual and philosophical circles.  "Source consciousness" refers to the idea that there is a universal consciousness that underlies all existence.  This consciousness is often described as being infinite, eternal, and all-encompassing.  Some people believe that tapping into this source consciousness can lead to greater understanding of the world and ourselves.  "Collective consciousness," on the other hand, refers to the idea that there is a shared consciousness that exists among groups of people. This shared consciousness can be seen in cultural beliefs, values, and behaviors.  Some people believe that by tapping into the collective consciousness, we can gain insights into the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others.  As we continue to evolve and expand our understanding of the world, it is believed that these concepts will become more important.

By connecting with the source consciousness and tapping into the collective consciousness, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Ultimately, this can lead to greater peace, harmony, and understanding among all people.

So why don't we all just know this already and live in harmony already?  It because their are systems in place for others to have control so that they can have power and money.

Several seemingly necessary ways of life here on Earth may actually be damaging society.  It’s not any one person’s fault.  It is really how we have all allowed our perceptions of reality and what is important evolve our path to what we see today.  I wrote a few examples.  This post was getting very long, so I split each item into it’s own post (linked below).

  1. Chemicals in Our Food

    Being conscious of what we put in our bodies is one of the first things people who “wake up” start doing. It is not easy, and most people do it over time as they become more aware. The key is becoming aware.

  2. Critical Thinking: The Next Generation

    Do you ever wonder how the world is the way it is? How do people blindly accept things without their own thoughts or opinions? People that “wake up” become aware of how many thoughts and ideas were metaphorically programmed in their minds from the day they were born. It was the same thing for their parents and the parents before that. Society then evolves to “traditions” or ways of thinking that do not make sense for humanity anymore (if ever at all).

  3. Life on Autopilot

    Have you ever watched the movie, Click, with Adam Sandler? He gets a special remote where he can fast forward through all of the boring or unbearable moments of his life. Eventually, the remote starts setting the program to go on autopilot/fast forward even when he wants to be aware. He becomes a mindless drone who over eats while just going through the motions of life. I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it, but I highly recommend it. Being on autopilot may numb the pain of the disappointments in life, but it can also numb you from all of the joy that can be had, too.

  4. 40 Hour Work Weeks are Sooo 20th Century!

    I think it is safe to say anyone that reads this can agree that they’d like just a little more time for themselves. They’d like just a little more flexibility in their life. They’d like their life to be just a little more balanced than what it is. So why don’t we demand it? I think the workforce is slowly evolving to these demands, but so many people are against the evolution of the workplace. Find out a couple of ways that companies can make life on Earth much better for their employees. And how to cope when they don’t.

  5. Who really has your best interest?

    Spoiler alert! It’s you.

For a better tomorrow. ♡


Recycling: The Sustainable Earth


Who really has your best interest?