6 Benefits of a Conscious Mind
Consciousness is a fascinating and complex topic that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries. At its core, consciousness refers to the a person’s experience of being aware of oneself and the surrounding environment. One of the most interesting things about consciousness is that it is not fully understood, and scientists are still learning about how it is perceived in the brain. Awareness is often described as the state of being conscious or cognizant of something. It is the ability to recognize and understand sensory information, thoughts, and emotions. Consciousness, on the other hand, refers to the quality or state of being aware and able to perceive one's surroundings or inner experience.
Do you need to be aware to become conscious? I believe that is the first step to developing a more conscious mindset. A conscious mind is one that is fully present and engaged in the present moment (hence the awareness). It is a mind that is free from distractions and able to focus on what kind of reality in which you would like to live.
People often take their consciousness for granted, and we may not even be aware of the ways in which it shapes our reality. This is not a metaphor. Your consciousness can change your physical reality in which you live. For example, when we are asleep, our consciousness is altered, and we may experience vivid dreams or even hallucinations. This altered state of consciousness can have a significant impact on our perceptions of reality and can even influence the decisions we make when we are awake. So what does that have to do with your reality? Literally everything.
Benefits of a conscious mind:
Mindful Thoughts & Emotions
By controlling your thoughts and emotions, you are less likely to have outbursts, temper issues, emotional breakdowns, and anxiety that often comes from racing thoughts and emotions. Staying present in the moment can help to understand your current reality and situation in the moment. You may have several life issues going on that are not going to be fixed overnight, but dwelling on the negative aspect of it may actually keep you in that issue longer than dwelling on the positive changes that you are working on in your life. If you are lucky enough to have a roof over your head and a full belly, take a moment to reflect on your current situation in that specific moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow or things that may or may not happen. Focus on your current state. Remember that when a problem arises for you to address, you will be more than capable of powering through anything because your focused mind will be able to do anything!
“Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn’t get your anywhere.” - English Proverb
As you become more aware and able to control your thoughts, you become so grateful for what you have each moment. Will you be perfect and never have ungrateful thoughts? Unlikely. At least at the beginning of training your mind, you will consistently ebb and flow from being present in the moment and grateful for where you are in life and back to your old way of thinking. This usually happens when you start thinking about disappointments, creating goals that take a lot of work and/or time that seems impossible, or just experiencing general anxiety. It is okay to experience all of this as many times as it happens. What is important is that you become aware of those thoughts, recenter your thoughts to what is going on in the present moment, and focus on what you can control in that moment alone.
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King, Non-Violent Activist
Helping Others
You may have always been a person that loves to help others, or maybe you are a person that is more focused on their own life and problems. It is okay either way! Sometimes, it is important to focus on yourself so that you can have what it takes to help others. When the time comes when you feel like you are part of something greater than yourself, consider helping others through generous and charitable actions. It is never too late to decide that you want to be a person of change through positive community actions. For me, I was almost 30 when I decided that I wanted to give part of myself into the community. I joined a local volunteer organization that I am still in today, and I have learned so much about helping, community, charity, self-respect, and self-love.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” - Author Anonymous
Self Love
Having a conscious mind leads to being in the present moment the majority of the time. By being present and doing your best in each moment, you will make better decisions for yourself and planet Earth. Each moment, you will be aware of the best decision that you can make. When you make those decisions, you will love yourself for doing your absolute best. We live in a very imperfect world, and it is easy to get lost in social media, the news, and other negative things that can desensitize people from doing their best. Whether it is jealousy of what others show on social media, criminal actions in the news, or just going to a negative workplace that makes you want to disconnect from the world, people can get into ruts where they are not consciously engaged in their decisions. It is almost like “autopilot” as a coping mechanism. It is sometimes easier to cope by disconnecting, but this can lead to self-destructive behaviors. When you are connected—even to the negative parts of society that have become a necessity—you are able to make your best judgment of what is the right thing to do for yourself, others, and the environment. Being present, being aware, and being conscious of your life and decisions will make you love yourself. You will then become a magnet for all that is good in the world. The positive attracts the positive.
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world…as in being able to remake ourselves.” - Mahatma Ghandi, Non-Violent Activist
Meaningful Relationships
Being conscious of your actions and thoughts will create a positive mindset which will attract positive situations and people to your life. This is easier said than done, but people will love you the way that you love yourself—this can be romantically, platonically, and even casually. You must respect and love yourself if you expect any one else to do the same. This goes back to self-love and making conscious decisions. If you stay in a constant state of being disconnected, you will attract relationships that are disconnected. Focus on what you love about yourself the most—even if it is small—and love your whole self that way. Fake it until you make it. Continue with all of your might to focus on the positive and to remain engaged in each moment, and you will attract meaningful relationships and friendships.
“What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” - Aristotle, Ancient Greek Philosopher
Positive Life Changes
But what if you have a negative thought about yourself sometimes? That is going to happen. That is okay! Focus on that thought and ask yourself if it is in your control to change (even a small baby step to get there), and if it is out of your control, love that part of yourself anyway. If it is in your control, make the baby step. This could be your higher self or subconscious telling you that now is the time for a small step to the life you want. Just taking that small step can completely change your perspective, motivation, and life. You will become a magnet for positivity in your life. You are your own catalyst for change in your life. No one else can be that for you! And that is so amazing that you are that powerful! There is no one that can take that power from you—ever—in this lifetime or the next. Make this one as amazing as you can perceive in your mind! It is possible!
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Jung, Coined the Collective Unconscious Concept
Despite the importance of consciousness, there is still a lot that we do not know about this fascinating phenomenon. As the world's population continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly important for us to better understand the nature of consciousness and how it shapes our perceptions of reality. With continued research and investigation, we may one day unlock the secrets of consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us to create the best reality here on planet Earth.